Audit – Fiction/Non-Fiction

The first step in the process was to audit the balance of fiction/non-fiction and poetry reading opportunities in the curriculum.

Consider the teaching of English as a discreet subject

  • Is there a curriculum spine? How many texts are fiction and how many are non fiction? Is there any poetry included?
  • How does the balance compare to the balance of writing opportunities?
  • Are fiction/non fiction texts used in guided reading?
  • Is there a strong focus on developing vocabulary?

Reading opportunities across the curriculum i.e. in Science, History, Geography

  • How often are children given the opportunity to read Scientific texts? Historical texts? Etc.
  • When/if they do read texts, are they fictional? Non fiction? What is the purpose of using a text in teaching?
  • Is there a strong focus on developing vocabulary?

Independent reading

  • Do children have access to a range of texts?
  • Do staff know the types of questions to ask children?
  • Is there a strong focus on developing vocabulary?


Auditing the Balance of Fiction

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